Friday, December 9, 2011

I just came across Mozart's Words, a stunning collection of Mozart's letters (and those of his family). The initial iteration contains 114 letters from 1769 to 1773, specifically from Leopold and Wolfgang's trips to Italy. The letters are presented as facsimiles of the originals; in 18th century and modern German; and in English, Italian, and French translations. The letters can be browsed by date, people, places, and works mentioned. The interface seems remarkably good. Their goal is to eventually make all 1,400 of the Mozart family letters available. See

Paul Cary (with thanks to Judy Tsou for the pointer)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Jones Library hours

Here are Jones Library's hours for the next month or so. In brief, we are on extended hours beginning on Monday, and closed from the end of finals until January 3.

Monday, Dec. 5 through Thursday, Dec. 8, 8:30AM--midnight
Friday, Dec. 9, 8:30AM--7:00PM
Saturday, Dec. 10, 1:00PM--7:00PM
Sunday, Dec. 11, 2:00PM—-midnight
Monday, Dec. 12 through Wednesday, Dec. 14, 8:30AM--midnight
Thursday, Dec. 15, 8:30AM--11:00PM
Friday, Dec. 16, 8:30AM--4:00PM

Saturday, Dec. 17 through Monday, Jan. 2 CLOSED

Tuesday, Jan. 3 through Friday, Jan. 6, 8:30AM—-5:00PM

Saturday, Jan. 7 and Sunday, Jan. 8 CLOSED


Good luck with finals.

Paul Cary
Jones Library